15ft x 3ft x 3ft in beech commissioned by Lancashire Wildlife Trust at Cuerden Valley Park. The figure is not carved onto the tree but inside it an ear and the back of the head are visible inside the tree.
15ft x 3ft x 3ft in beech commissioned by Lancashire Wildlife Trust at Cuerden Valley Park. The figure is not carved onto the tree but inside it an ear and the back of the head are visible inside the tree.
Maquette for the core of a building, the emerging green top to be clad in copper, all the utilities to be located inside the figure and the floors and walls dropping vertically from the top platform to be as transparent as possible.
15ft x 3ft x 3ft in beech commissioned by St Helens MBC in Parr on the site of a disused colliery spoil heap. The red man is for the displaced mining community that was devastated with the pit closures and the green man is to oversee the regeneration of the newly planted trees. It is the central sculpture of the “Poetrees” project.
15ft x 3ft x 3ft in beech commissioned by St Helens MBC in Parr on the site of a disused colliery spoil heap. The red man is for the displaced mining community that was devastated with the pit closures and the green man is to oversee the regeneration of the newly planted trees. It is the central sculpture of the “Poetrees” project.
The first version of "Red Green Man" 15ft x 3ft x 3ft in beech commissioned by St Helens MBC in Parr on the site of a disused colliery spoil heap. The red man is for the displaced mining community that was devastated with the pit closures and the green man is to oversee the regeneration of the newly planted trees. It is the central sculpture of the “Poetrees” project.